Texas REALTORS® is supporting five of the 14 proposed constitutional amendments on the Nov 7 statewide ballot. (Early voting starts Oct 23  and runs through Nov 3.). Texas REALTORS® encourages you to vote for: 

  • 道具osition 1 – Protect the Right to Farm
  • 道具osition 4 – Provide 道具erty Tax Relief
  • 道具osition 6 – Establish the Texas Water Fund
  • 道具osition 7 – Establish the Texas Energy Fund
  • 道具osition 8 – Establish the Broadband Infrastructure Fund

道具osition 4 would deliver the biggest property tax relief package in Texas history by raising the homestead tax exemption to $100,000 (up from $40,000) and authorizing the state to send more money to local school districts (also referred to as “compression”). These changes will help reduce property 税 for both homeowners and non-homestead properties. 道具osition 1 would enshrine in the Texas Constitution certain rights related to agricultural activities on private property. 道具ositions 6, 7, and 8 establish funds to make investments in the state’s water, 电, and broadband infrastructure.

Visit texasrealtorssupport.com for details about all amendments and to read about the Texas REALTORS® positions.

Political 广告 by Texas REALTORS®